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Helpful Bedtime Routines for Happy Babies

Helpful Bedtime Routines for Happy Babies

With young kids, bedtime can often be a struggle. That’s where a simple routine can help save the day (and night!). Starting this practice as soon as your baby turns 3 months old and following it every night benefits them, and you, in a variety of different ways.

Babies with bedtime routines not only nod off faster but wake less during the night. These nightly rituals also play a big role in their development and well-being. Research shows they help set a regular schedule, improve language and thinking skills, foster strong emotional bonds, and assist in managing emotions as they grow. Sticking to the same soothing activities each night can even prevent future sleep problems.

Consider adding these helpful steps to your bedtime routine and transform the nightly battle into a peaceful experience.

Final Feeding

Feeding your baby before bed can actually help them feel sleepy.  However, it’s best to put this step towards the beginning of your routine. This will prevent your baby from creating a link between eating and sleeping. It also gives you the chance to clean their teeth before they’re settled in, avoiding tooth decay.

Healthy Habits

A soothing bath about 90 minutes before bedtime can promote relaxation. The warm water stimulates blood circulation to your baby’s hands, feet, and extremities, much like what happens during sleep. This not only eases muscle tension but also creates a calming effect. Combining bathtime with brushing teeth, changing diapers, and switching into pajamas not only prepares them for sleep but also establishes healthy habits they associate with bedtime.

Story Time Snuggles

Reading a book to your baby can help them to calm down from the day and lead to better sleep. Cuddles during story time develop bonds and the story itself will improve their language skills.

Mellowing Music

Singing or playing lullabies, classical music, or soothing sounds during bedtime encourages your baby to settle. Each type of music has its own benefits. If you sing, they get to hear your voice (which is one of their favorite sounds!). If you choose to play music, you can leave it at a low volume to ease their transition into sleep. Sound machines are also helpful in blocking out other noise.

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