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How to cure cough naturally

How to cure cough naturally

Coughing is a natural defense reflex. Receptors located in the mucosa of the trachea and bronchi react to the slightest irritation and trigger contractions of the respiratory muscles (diaphragm, intercostal muscles, etc.). The cough can be triggered voluntarily by the person, or activate by reflex without the individual's will. Moreover, it appears very difficult to prevent oneself from coughing.


What is the most effective cough remedy? How to calm your cough quickly? Some tips to act naturally against cough:

  • Improve indoor air quality
    • Frequently ventilate all living quarters, especially in the case of allergic coughs to house dust mites.
    • Humidify the home and the workplace with a humidifier or, failing that, a container of water placed on a radiator, particularly in the event of a dry, irritating, sometimes hoarse cough, predominantly in the evening and at night (acute laryngitis).
  • Avoid smoky places and do not smoke.
  • Avoid exposure to irritating substances such as aerosols, dust, etc. which can trigger and maintain coughing.
  • Rest and hydrate (an adult with chronic bronchitis cough can cough up more than a liter a day!)!
  • Drink herbal tea prepared with thyme, lemon juice, hot water and sweetened with honey. Honey has a soothing effect and this natural cough remedy can ease a mild cough of irritation.
  • Respect the rules of hygiene: wash your hands, use disposable tissues and wear a mask.
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